Why Ladies With Big Breast Don’t Live Long
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This claim may appear strange, yet science can back it up. Many women desire larger breasts for a variety of reasons, including improving their appearance, raising their self-confidence, or just pleasing their partners.
You should be grateful if you have an average breast size. Why? According to new research, having large breasts can lead to a variety of health problems, including early death.
Women with large breasts have been reported to have a lot of back, arm, and neck pain. Furthermore, some women claim that their enormous breasts cause friction rash, migraines, and spine deformity.
The pain associated with having large breasts is so severe that some women must take drugs on a daily basis just to get relief. You might be surprised to learn that one out of every ten women has low self-esteem as a result of their large breasts, according to a recent survey.
Furthermore, a third of those questioned claimed that their large breasts cause them a lot of pain when they exercise. The worst effect of having enormous breasts, unfortunately, is dying young. Big breasted women are more likely to die five years before their predicted life expectancy.
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