“The process is useless, direct Telcos to NIA for data”- Cyber Security Expert
Source: filasconews

A Cyber Security Expert and a System Analyst has stated that, the whole process in the Sim card re-registration is useless and therefore, wants government halting it.
According to the Expert, the government should as a matter of urgency direct the Telecommunication Companies (Telcos) to consult National Identification Authority (NIA) for the data of their customers for the exercise.
The Security Expert, Yayra Koku in an interview on Live FM-107.5, Socio-Political Show elaborated that, this would alleviate the burdens on Ghanaians from going to joining long queues to re-register their SIM cards.
He said, the current situation worldwide does not permit people joining and suffocating in queues like what is happening in Ghana due to the aforementioned exercise.
“The National Identification Authority already the data of Ghanaians, if not all, majority of us, they have, so it is just a matter of the Telcos, contacting NIA, to share data with them to do their exercise.
Simple as that”, he stressed.
” Why do you allow your citizens to suffer like this”, he added.
Mr. Yayra is therefore urging the government, to take the advice given above.
By: Filasco Degeneral/ filasconews