
Race course: Maize sellers cry over bad market due to high commodity price

Source: filasconews

Maize sellers at Race Course are lamenting over collapsed business due to expensive price of maize.

According to the traders, the hike in the price of maize is a result of its scarcity and unfavorable rain pattern including other weather conditions due to climate change.

In an interview with Filasco DeGeneral on Thursday, December 9,2021, the worried traders revealed that, the price of the commodity in the month of May this year was affordable and was selling at ¢400.00 a bag but due to the unfavorable rain pattern, the grains were ruined making it rear currently.

They disclosed that, a bag of the yellow grain of maize is now selling at ¢500.00 whiles the ordinary white grain sold at ¢400.00 a bad has shoot up to ¢440.00 and ¢450.00.

They wailed that business has sluggished due to the rise of maize price on the market in Kumasi.

“Business is very bad because customers are unable to afford the price.

We come to work and sit here for the whole day without making a sale. Maize business is really bad now”, one of the traders said.

They have therefore made passionate appeal to the Almighty God to improve their business.

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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