Press Release
The Firebrand New Patriotic Party Youth Organization (NPPYO) has vehemently toppled on Ghana Member of Parliaments, shockingly stated emphatically that, they are ever ready to punish (expose) non-performing MP’s in Ghana.
According to the Executive Director of this Organization,he said the notion that many MP’s in Ghana only go to house for their personal interests and not that of their constituents is a belief that is still held by many Ghanaians. A Member of Parliament is a representative of all his constituents regardless of their party affiliation. It is the duty of a MP to explain to his constituents,laws passed by Parliament and policies been pursued by the government. In this regard, a MP is enjoined to advocate both in Parliament and the District Assembly the concern of his constituents.
Again, NPPYO schools Ghana MPs that, with the support of the District Assembly common fund and other funding,MP may intervene directly in solving some of the developmental problems. These intervention should however not be construed as being the main duties of the MP and there undue pressure put on him or her to ensure compliance. Unfortunately this has been the case for sometime now, resulting in some members losing their seats in Parliament.
To add more,MP’s should carefully weight their campaign promises as their constituents would held their accountable for those promises.”Several constituents are concerned about the continued absence of the MP’s from their communities; they (the MP’s) must therefore improve their levels of interaction and communication with their constituents.
Moreover,”MP’s must gauge the mood of their constituents in deciding whether or not to contest again;it is what nothing that in 2016,50 incumbent lost their primaries and 50 other lost the election. In Parliamentary terms,”the longer,the better” but in our context,first term MPs are increasingly becoming endangered species;in 2016 more than half of the 50 incumbents who Lost the election were first term MP.
Finally, NPPYO hammered advise to non performing MP’s to start performing their duties well and pay regular visit to their constituents for a good communication.
For Details: Contact
Omanhene Nana Kofi Amankwaa
Director, NPPYO
Hon. Ismael Osei Ofori
Strategic Officer, NPPYO
Hon. Edward Akwasi Ayertey
Deputy Director, NPPYO
Hon. Sumaila Inusah
National Organizer, NPPYO
Hon. Kennedy Annor* *Koah*
Director Of Operations, NPPYO
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