I am tired of Ashantis, stop the nonsense!!!

I am tired of Ashantis, stop the nonsense!!!
Why are Ashantis trying to arrogate powers to their chief that he doesn’t possess? Look, stop the nonsense!
Asantehene or Otumfuo (the current Osei Tutu happens to be my direct uncle) is recognized as a great and important chief/personality ruler almost everywhere. This is undeniable. This is why many powerful dignitaries who visit Ghana and land on Ga soil bypass the Ga king/chief/overlord/kominini and go and pay their respects to Otumfuo far away in the bush in Kumasi. Anyone who denies the eminence, or preeminence of Otumfuo is simply jealous and/or mad. The Ashanti are the most illustrious tribe worthy of note in the whole Ghana.
However, Otumfuo is a king only in your wildest imaginations. What kingdom does he rule over? Where is his army? Does he even have absolute control over Ashanti Region and Asanteman? Stop this nonsense! When we come to formal power in the context of the nation Ghana, Otumfuo is “just another” powerful chief with a few more expanded powers. Do not subject the great office to ridicule by claiming titles and powers that he doesn’t truly possess. Otumfuo does not need the title of King to be great, nor is he a king.
I am honestly getting to my limit in dealing with the Ashantis on this platform. I am happy the Ashantis on my other platforms do not make these ridiculous claims to make Otumfuo what he is not. That Otumfuo is greater than all chiefs in Ghana COMBINED (I mean when you add all of them together and divide by 1) is unquestionable!
On the other hand, the most hopeless chief or non-king in Ghana is the Ga chief. He has no respect (including from me) and has been denigrated, diminished and rendered hopeless by all and sundry because the Gas of Ghana sold their birthright or more accurately were cheated of their birthright whichever you prefer. Otumfuo is more powerful in Accra than the Ga Mantse. The Ga have never been great anyway. To be great you must have resisted invaders vigorously and the Gas and Fante and Ewes and other tribes are not noted for that. Even the Akwamu rank higher to me (courtesy of the great and peerless Asamani, first black Governor of Christianborg) rank ahead of the Ga. Do the Gas and Ewe and Fante have a Yaa Asantewaa? Rubbish!
I happen to be a blue-blooded Ga among other things, however that has never stopped me from telling the truth and letting the chips lie where they fall.
From the desk of the conservative Ghanaian American theologian and philosopher.
Paulus Americanus
Nana Asamani (or “Asameni”) was the first black Governor of Christiansborg Castle,located in Osu, Accra, Ghana, on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea.
Asamani was known as the Akwamuhene who tricked the Danes and seized Christiansborg Castle in 1693. Asamani sold the castle back to the Danes in 1694 for 50 marks of gold but kept the keys to the castle after the sale.