2023/2024: Where to buy Nursing Training Admissions – Checkout these two places

2023/2024: Where to buy Nursing Training Admissions – Checkout these two places
Two Places You Can Buy Nursing Training Admissions For 2023/2024.
How To Fill Nursing Training Forms 2023/2024
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The Ministry of Health has announced the date to open online portals for 2023/2024 Nursing and Midwifery admissions. The opening date has been scheduled to be Monday 24th of April 2023 and the date for the deadline to be on Friday 30th Of June 2023. The information did not come in a vacuum, all the places you can get access to the online admission portals and the respective banks where payment can be made have been disclosed.
One of the significant questions we keep hearing has to do with where the application codes for the 2023/2024 Nursing Training admission can be bought. We have found out that, the application codes can allow being accessed or bought at only two places.
1. ADB; the Agriculture Development Bank is the first place all applicants can get access to the Online Application Codes in other to make their admission process and filling of forms a success.
2. The second avenue where all applicants can buy their codes for a successful application is GCB. The Ministry of Health has authorized Ghana Commercial Bank to also be in charge of selling codes for applicants across the Country.
Therefore, all applicants should not be deceived, no other agency is authorized to sell the application codes. We must be aware of fraudsters and bear in mind that it is only Agriculture Development Bank (ADB) and Ghana Commercial Bank that can buy the codes for Nursing Training Admissions for 200 Ghana cedis.
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