Tano North NCCE educates nurses on their civic responsibilities

Tano North NCCE educates nurses on their civic responsibilities
The Tano North Municipal Directorate of National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) as part of its comprehensive education on National Cohesion and Peaceful Coexistence on 10th February 2023 went to Presbyterian Midwifery Training School at Duayaw Nkwanta to educate the students on their Civic responsibilities.
This exercise was carried out to make students desist from acts that can jeopardize the peace and development of the Municipal and the country as whole.
The Municipal Director of the Commission, Mr Joseph Oduro-Buabeng who addressed the students made it know to them that it is their Civic duty to “foster national unity and live in harmony with others as well as to protect and preserve public properties.” (Article 41 c&f)
He said as students they have the right to demonstrate (Article 21) but they should exercise that right in accordance with law. That is the Public Order Act, 1994 ( ACT 491) must be followed.
He said the situation where secondary and tertiary students embark on demonstrations to destroy school properties should end because it rewards development and growth.
The SRC President of the school thanked the Commission for the education given to them and asked that such education should be given to them on frequent basis.
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