JHS 2 (Basic 8) Lesson Notes 2023 all weeks | Download Here

JHS 2 (Basic 8) Lesson Notes 2023 all weeks | Download Here
This page contains samples of the 2023 lesson plan for Basic 8 First Term in PDF/word format.
The documents provided on this page are for educational purposes only.
JHS 2 ( Basic 8).
Week one (1)
Career Technology – Home Economics- Week 1
Creative Art and Design -week 1
Career Technology-Pre Tech Week1
English Language week1
Ghanaian Language week1
Mathematics week1
Physical Health Education week1
RME week 1
Int. Science week 1
Social Studies week1
JHS 3 (Basic 9) Lesson notes for 2023 all weeks || Download Now
Week two (2)
CAD week2
Career technology- home economics week2
Career technology Pre technical week2
Computing week2
English language week2
GH language week2
Mathematics week2
Physical Health Education week2
RME week2
Social studies week2
Week three (3)
VIDEO: Big blow as Ukrainian Army shoots Russia in the heart | Watch
CAD week3
Career technology-Home economics werk3
Career technology-Pre Technical week3
Computing week3
English language week3
GH language week3
Mathematics week3
Physical health education week 3
RME week3
Int. Science week3
Social studies week3
Week Four (4)
CAD week4
Career technology Home economics week4
Career technology-Pre Tech week4
Computing week4
English language week4
GH language week4
Mathematics week4
Physical health education week4
RME week4
Int. Science week4
Social studies week4
JHS 1 (Basic Seven 7) Term one Sample Lesson Plans/Notes 2023 (All weeks)|| Download Now
Week Five (5)
CAD week5
Career technology Home Education week5
Career technology Pre Tech week5
Computing week5
English language week5
GH language week5
Mathematics week5
Physical Health Education week5
RME week5
Int. Science week5
Social studies week5
Week Six (6)
CAD week6
Career technology Home economics week6
Career technology Pre Tech week6
Computing week6
English language week6
GH language week6
Mathematics week6
Physical health education week6
RME week6
Int. Science week6
Social studies week6
Week seven (7)
CAD week7
Career technology week7
Computing week7
English language week7
Social studies week7
Int. Science week7
RME week7
Mathematics week7
GH language week7
Week 8
Social studies week 8
Int. Science week 8
R. M. E Week 8
GH Language week 8
CAD week 8
Career Technology week 8
Computing week 8
Physical health education week 8
English language week 8
Week Eight 9
CAD week 9
CT Home economics week 9
CT Pre technical week 9
Computing week 9
English language week 9
GH language week 9
Mathematics week 9
P E week 9
R M E week 9
Int. Science week 9
Social studies week 9
Download the lesson notes here
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