A/R: Primary school pupils nearly met their untimely demise after school building collapsed(VIDEO)

A/R: Primary school pupils nearly met their untimely demise after school building collapsed(VIDEO)
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Some pupils of Aburaso Methodist Primary School in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of the Ashanti Region on Tuesday nearly met their untimely demise after section of the school building collapsed.
The school building which has been in a deplorable state for years collapsed and nearly killed some of the school children.
The residents in the Aburaso community are upset about the development and are calling on the various authorities in charge to construct new classroom blocks for the pupils.
Some of the blocks in Aburaso Methodist Primary School have turned into a death trap, endangering the pupils lives.
According to the assembly member of Aburaso Electoral area, Hon Emmanuel Nyanteng, the said Primary school has been in bad state for years without any renovation or support from the powers that be.
He said, the School management committee and himself as the Assembly member have been complaining to the highest authority to get the problem solved but all went futile.
You can reach the assembly member Hon Emmanuel Nyanteng for more details on this story on the number below.
Watch the video of the incident below:
SOURCE: Filasconews.com