Corporal punishment must be reintroduced in our schools to intensify discipline among students – EAI Boss

Corporal punishment must be reintroduced in our schools to intensify discipline among students – EAI Boss
The founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Educate Africa Institute (EAI) an Education policy think tank, Mr. William Boadi bemoaned the current increased level of indiscipline in our education system and has pleaded with authorities to reinstate corporal punishment in schools to reduce the indiscipline and prepare these young ones for a Better Future.
He explained that in the olden days of schooling, corporal punishment was part of the measure laid down to combat insubordination and indiscipline among students which positively impacted the lives of numerous students who are currently supporting the nation’s building with innovations and ideas hence the reintroduction of corporal punishment which may cause a little pain to disobedient students will serve as a deterrent to others who may have an intention to also disobey their teachers or authorities.
Mr. William Boadi speaking in an exclusive interview with Kwaku Mensah Abrampa on High Radio morning show dubbed High Morning breeze noted that students who continuously disobey the rules of a school in the ancient days were made to uproot a tree, to weed a large compound in the school and sometimes were caned and other forms of punishment which according to him was beneficial and contributes to a high sense of moral upbringing and discipline in our schools, therefore halting these corporal punishments has resulted into the increasing rate of indiscipline among students.
He explained that some parents of late attack teachers for a punishment given to their wards which he entreated all parents to desist from such an attitude and support the teaching to produce better future leaders.
Mr. William Boadi added that the future of our education system is in danger because teachers always apply the ancient method of teaching in our schools where students still depend on past questions before an examination is conducted which has no benefits to the development of the nation.
He noted that education consists of the acquisition of knowledge and skills, character training or attitudinal change which will ensure the usefulness of students to the family and the nation at larger in terms of knowledge, skills implementations and positive attitude towards work to facilitate development hence there is a need for stakeholders and authorities in the education section to introduce job oriented courses in our schools to train these young ones future leaders with greater mindsets.
In the wake of the chaos that erupted in Krobea Asante Vocational and Technical Senior High School, Mr. William Boadi advised all teachers to stay away from the alleged collection of monies from candidates before examination with the sole motive of assisting these young ones of which when it fails becomes another issue that always calls for misunderstandings between the teachers and the students.
By: Kwaku Mensah Abrampa