
High cost of farm inputs, agrochemicals is collapsing our farms – Cashew Farmers

High cost of farm inputs, agrochemicals is collapsing our farms – Cashew Farmers

Cashew farmers at Kintampo North and South in the Bono East region, say the high cost of farm inputs is affecting them, if government does not drastically subsidize inputs.

According to the Kintampo South cashew farmers association Vice chairman Mr Kofi Aboagye, hikes in farm inputs like agrochemicals and fertilizers are compelling them to farm at below-average capacity.

They want government to release and subsidise farm inputs on a timely basis.

Speaking in an interview with Asona Dehyie Kwarteng, farmers bemoaned that, the over 70 percent hike in farm inputs, fertilizer, and agrochemicals are making the venture more challenging.

Calling on President Nana Akufo-Addo and Agriculture minister Hon Afriyie Akoto to their aid.

Call for more on

Vice Chairman

Mr Kofi Aboagye



Source: Asona Dehyie Kwarteng/

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