
Save Free SHS Students From Kwashiorkor, Nana Addo Advised – William Boadi, EAI

Save Free SHS Students From Kwashiorkor, Nana Addo Advised – William Boadi, EAI.

“You are what you eat”

Dear Nana Addo, reports gathered by Educate Africa Institute (EAI) retain that free SHS heads threaten to close down schools due to acute food shortage.

According to the heads of those affected schools including Alavanyo SHS, students will be sent home until enough food and money are made available to the schools.

And there is a viral video on social media depicting St. Paul senior high technical school students sharing a tinier fish in the dining hall and it’s disgusting.

Our worry is about the tiny and unbalanced diet given to the students that could also cause Kwashiorkor. And Kwashiorkor knew as “edematous malnutrition”
is a severe form of malnutrition. It can affect people of all ages. Although, it’s more common in children than adults.

Mr. President with all due respect I’m sure you would not be happy seeing your proud Nana’s Free SHS students eating such a slight and unbalanced diet. Humbly take immediate measures to ensure nutritious and enough balance food. It’s not easy to learn in such a disastrous situation.

Again, if efforts are not given rise to resolve this matter urgently, students will develop kwashiorkor and their health implications would affect their entire lifestyle. You know that this is a breach of sustainable goal 2 which talks about Zero hunger and goal 3 which also spells out good health and Well-being.

We have called for a review of the policy and still waiting for a positive response from you.

I am a citizen and not a spectator.


William Boadi
CEO of EAI, Educationist, Journalist, Socialist, and motivational speaker.


Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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