If you are this type of woman, you are likely not to get married

If you are this type of woman, you are likely not to get married
A popular social media Auntie on social media has taken it upon herself to give a full description of the type of women most men shy away from marrying.
Tete (Auntie) Fadzie gave a detailed description of this type of woman on a thread on Twitter. These women , according to Tete Fadzie, though they might be aesthetically beautiful to look at, 4 distinct characteristics scare men away.
1. Perfect Woman
Accordingto Fadzie, this woman is not perfect in terms of her looks or behaviour but rather she is a constant seeker of perfection in the men she dates.
Her expectations in men are often unrealistic and every man she meets falls short of her steep demands. This leaves her disappointed and in constant search of her perfect man.
Rather than seeking perfection, Fadzie advises this woman would do well to rather compromise on the trivial and settle with a guy who atleast meets 50% of her expectations. This or face the distinct possibility of never finding a man to marry.
2. The Beautiful Lady
Ironic but very true. Beautiful girls, and ladies find it extremely easy to get dates and boyfriends. This is because, of course , they are attractive.
According to Fadzie however, “most guys date these girls for fun.” Essentially men date beautiful girls not for who they really are, but for their looks.
This unfortunately is hardly a solid base to build a long term relationship and indeed neither is it a great platform for marriage.
Fadzie says however, a lady’s beauty should not be a deterrent for her. The solution, according to her, is “identifying the type of man she wants, and being loyal to him.”
3. The Rich-man’s Daughter
This type of woman, mistakenly basks in her father’s glory. To her, her father is the ultimate hero and no man can love and take care of her like her father.
She also often views every man as being after her father’s wealth.
Given how most men are naturally proud, the rich man’s daughter often pushes men away with her mentality. This makes it difficult for any man to envisage marrying her.
For a rich man’s daughter to enjoy marital bliss, Fadzie says she needs to master the art of humility. Any man would surely snatch a humble, well mannered woman and make a wife out of her.
4. Career Woman
This type of woman is all about her business and often suffers from an inability to make time for relationships. Also most career women have the mindset that , ‘what any man can do, a woman can do.’
They often project a masculine personality and this comes across as intimidating for most men. After all no man is looking for another man in his woman.
Fadzie encourages this woman to make time for relationships and also to find a balance between her feminine nature and her masculine persona.
Fadzie says, “career women’s crying days are over,” provided she can find a way to be feminine and submissive.
True or false the difficulties outlined by Tete Fadzie appear realistic. If indeed her assertions are true, then these type of women will do well to heed Fadzie’s advice.