4 Natural Spices You Can Take To Regain Your Ceased Menses – Health Practitioner shares

4 Natural Spices You Can Take To Regain Your Ceased Menses – Health Practitioner shares
I am sharing a great an effective home remedy for ceased menstruation. This remedy is tried and proven effective and without a side effect. I know the entire female fraternity will thank me after reading and trying this remedy. Ceased menses is a common health disorder among ladies. Funny enough, it scares many ladies who had had sexual relations making them think they have taken a seed or gotten pregnant.
This disorder is very disturbing and frustrating at times. Ceased Menses is termed as Amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is simply the absence of menstruation.( Follow the page to be updated because my next post will be on amenorrhea, where I will write everything about amenorrhea).
Trust me this procedure is tried,tested and approved. There is not need to worry about side effects or complications because all the ingredients involved are natural ingredients.
But before you take this remedy make sure you have run a valid pregnancy test to confirm that you are not pregnant. If you are using the pregnancy test kit for the test make sure you run two or more tests with different pregnancy test kits for strong confirmation.
1.Alligator Pepper (Efom wisa in Akan) – measure full size of the small milk can (example is the small ideal milk).
2. Cloves (Pepre in Akan) – measure full size of the small milk can (example is the small ideal milk)
3. Garlic – Get enough of it; one or two bulbs will do.
4. Ginger – Get enough of it.
5. And then 700ml to 1 liter of clean and purified water.
1.After getting all your ingredients ready, mix all the ingredients, pour the water into the blender and blend for a while.
2.When you are done, pour it in a container or a bottle. (You can choose to sieve it or not. But I prefer not to sieve it. The choice is still yours because either way round, the remedy will still work effectively).
3. Close it tightly and allow it to ferment for 72 hours or 3 days.
1.Not all of us can afford a blender or even have a blender. If it happens you fall under this category just assemble all your ingredients,don’t forget to wash them very well.
2. Get your earthenware (ayowa in Akan), mix and grind all the ingredients and make sure it is well grinded.
3. Afterwards, put your grinded ingredients in a fermentation container and bottle and fast forward add your 700ml to 1 liter of water to the ingredients already in a container or bottle.
4. Close it tightly and firmly and allow it to sit for 3 days
After the fermentation period (which Is on the third day) and the following days;
Drink a half cup (about 200-250ml) of it first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed.
Please note it well, take it first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed. Do not eat in the morning before you take it. Please pay attention to the prescription.
After this be rest assured that your ceased menses of months will return no more 5 days from the day you began taking the medicine.
After the third day when your fermentation period is over and you begin to take the medicine, store it in a refrigerator to prolong the lifespan of the medicine. It will help prevent it from going bad early.
You can also add your consumable preservatives to the medicine if you have any, to prolong its lifespan.
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