Kwasibuokrom: Jaman South MCE donates to St Mary Hospital and St Francis Missionary School

Kwasibuokrom: Jaman South MCE donates to St Mary Hospital and St Francis Missionary School
The Municipal Chief Executive for Jaman South Municipality in the Bono Region in the person of HON ANDREW BEDIAKO has donated 200 hundred pieces of street bulbs to St Mary’s hospital, St Francis missionary school in kwasibourkrom and other communities in the Municipality.
In an interview with press he disclosed that when he assumed office as MCE he saw the need to lobby for these street bulbs to brighten the street of the Municipality and other communities within the Municipality.
He further revealed that, the street lights in the Municipal capital is not functioning and he is working relentlessly with his engineers to fix the problem.
Mr kyere Gyeabour who is principal Nursing director at St Mary’s hospital received the bulbs on behalf of St Mary’s hospital and thank the MCE for his kind courtesy.
The astute local governance expert also disclosed that people within the Municipality should try as much as possible to pay their property rate tax to enable the Assembly to generate enough IGF to undertake development in the Municipality.
He further caution journalist in the Municipality to desist from dissuading people paying taxes and urged all and sundry to help pay taxes to generate enough IGF for development in the Municipality.
BY: Ahmed kwame Boadum(Anidaso FM)