6 benefits of se_x

6 benefits of se_x
When it comes to se_x, most of us already feel there are benefits that regular intimacy brings. However, you may be surprised at the range of benefits of healthy se_x, from reducing stress, to lowering your risk of cancer or heart problems. According to recent studies, regular se_x can provide many boosts to your wellbeing. This is because se_x is just like any other physical activity and the benefits it provides can eventually increase your life span. Here’s a break down of the top benefits of regular sexual intercourse.
1. Lowers stress
Several women’s health issues, like heart disease, are a result of stress. For some, se_x is a great way to relieve stress. During se_x, the brain’s pleasure centers are hit with dopamine while levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, drop. Oxytocin, which boosts feelings of friendship and happiness, is also released. This chemical cocktail can have a calming effect when you’re feeling stressed.
2. Boosts your immune system
Research conducted at Wilkes University found that college students who had se_x at least once a week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A in their saliva. Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that helps the body fight off bacteria and viruses.
Se_x can boost serotonin too. This hormone helps produce “happy feelings,” and scientists believe that there’s a link between depression and serotonin levels.
3. Lowers your blood pressure
High blood pressure can lead to serious or fatal cardiovascular complications. Research shows that high blood pressure also negatively impacts female orgasm. Se_x has been linked to lower systolic blood pressure readings.
4. Improves cardiovascular health
Se_x and health are closely linked. In one study, women who reported having a satisfying se_x life had a reduced risk of hypertension and other problems. The study’s authors posit that the quality of se_x is more important for female’s health than the frequency — having satisfying, happy se_x is good for your heart. It might be because a woman’s sexual satisfaction with a partner is often linked to improved emotional well-being.
5. You sleep better
Se_x can help relieve insomnia. After orgasm, prolactin, a hormone that promotes relaxation, is released. And research shows that se_x triggers the production of significantly more prolactin than masturbation does.
6. Increased libido
High libido is associated with improved self-esteem and pain resistance, among other benefits. You’ll feel more desire for your partner, which can turn into feeling more desired yourself.
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