
JUST IN: Sunyani High Court 1 throws out stay of execution on…………NPP

JUST IN: Sunyani High Court 1 throws out stay of execution on…………NPP

The Sunyani High Court 1 has dismissed the stay of Execution on a ruling setting aside the purported polling stations Executives and Electoral areas Coordinators album of sunyani East Constituency for New Patriotic Party.

The Court had ordered that any purported polling stations and Electoral areas album by any person or group of persons known as Sunyani East Constituency polling stations and Electoral areas Elections Committee is hereby set aside.

The Court has further ordered the National Party of New Patriotic Party to delete any purported elected polling station Executives and Electoral areas Coordinators from its National database.

In effect there are no polling stations Executives, Electoral Areas Coordinators and Constituency Executives for New Patriotic Party in the Sunyani East Constituency until the final determination of the substantive matter.

Cost of 5000ghc awarded by the Court against Ansu Kumi, the sunyani Municipal chief Executive who was the chairman of the Elections Committee and Eight (8) others.

Case adjourned to 12th July, 2022.

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SOURCE: Maxwell Mahama (NPP Comm. Officer,Sunyani East)/Filasconews.com

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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