9 reasons why you should have sex with your Spouse everyday; No.1 is Solid

9 reasons why you should have sex with your Spouse everyday; No.1 is Solid
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If you need another reason besides procreation why you should have sex with your spouse every day, I have several reasons why you should.
Having sex regularly will add more years to your lifespan. This is according to a study published in the British Medical Journal which found that men who had sex regularly lived longer when compared to men who rarely have sex.
If you come back home from work tired everyday, then you should consider having sex with your spouse daily because sex will help you relax and reduce your stress levels due to dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin which are released during sex.
Scottish researcher and clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, David Weeks found that having sex three times a week can make you appear 10 years younger than your real age. Wow.
We are told by health practitioners to exercise daily and sex is a good form of exercise. You can burn up to 7,500 calories yearly by just having sex three times a week.
If you struggle to sleep well at night, you should consider having sex with your partner before going to bed because the hormone prolactin is released during sex which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness after sex.
Another reason why you should have sex every day is that sex helps improve your immune system. According to researchers from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, people who have sex at least twice a week have higher levels of antibodies.
Men who have sex every day are less likely to suffer from prostate cancer. According to an Australian study published in the journal of The American Medical Association, men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month are less likely to suffer from prostate cancer.
Having regular sex will also help lower your blood pressure. This is according to a study conducted by the University of Paisley which found that having sex lowers blood pressure.
You should also consider having regular sex daily because it is actually good for the heart. According to researchers from the New England Research Institute, men who have regular sex are 45% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.