Call It A Slip Of Tongue Or Whatever, Pastor Obed Goofed- Evangelist Addotey(VIDEO)
Evangelist Samuel Addotey popularly known as Islamic Preacher has expressed his disappointment on the video circulating on social media saying Islam is a prophecy from God Almighty.
I am always saddened when people who are called Pastors join in the fray of misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the Bible. I wonder if it’s all about Fame or they simply do not know anything about what they are talking about.
In fact, I see this so called Pastor as someone who is just following hear say if not he would have known better. I challenge anyone who thinks he has facts to prove me wrong. There is no evidence that the Arabs are Descandent of Ismael and even their own books depict the Arabs as not Ishmael’s descendants.
Moreover, there is no where in the Bible that says Ismael’s blessings include a new religion or belief. This is where pastor Obed goofed.
His insistence on aligning the blessing of generational multiplicity to the growth of Islam is very problematic and deceptive. Let Pastor Obed answer me if there is a single verse in the bible where religion has anything to do with God’s promise of making a nation great. No. There is absolutely no alignment.
You see, this is how it ends if a man of God turns to be attention seeker but i think is time to let people know those they really follow as their _trusted man of God._
Gaging the mood of his utterances, I will not be surprised if he becomes a Muslim in the future because he seems to think that the God of the Bible is the same as the god of the qur’an. I pity his church members what he has been feeding them with, cos garbage in garage out and this teachings is anti-Bible which needs to be addressed with immediate effect.
Well, my word of advice to him is that if is about attention seeking he should know that God is watching and if not he should rather engage in subjects that he’s well vexed in. I think the subject of Islam is a Waterloo arena for him.
Again there are a lot of Apologists who can help you out, pastor obed. I happen to be one of them so you can come for lectures and stop polluting people with this satanic misinterpretation of the Bible.
To stress again, Islam is not in the Bible because God never promised salvation through Ismael or his descandent nor the Arabs are true descandent of Ismael.
Lets ask Obed whether God accepts all religions. If yes then ask your muslim friends if they believe as you do. If No then why do you say is God that is causing the fast growth of Islam? Are you saying God wants to increase the number of people that will go to the hell fire?. Islam is a cult and Muhammad is it’s fake prophet. So Obed go learn and stop looking for attention and sympathy from muslims.
Again stop teaching something you know anything about.
Evangelist Samuel Addotey a.k.a the Islamic preacher
You can call me on 0557480927