When We Sleep, Things That Happen In The Night- Research
A New Research has shown that, there is an hour of strength in the night, there is a time called the night.
That night time is when the enemies gather to present their reports, it is satanic conference time, it is a time when the enemy re-strategies, and it is a time when the enemies make choices that will harm people, especially the children of God.
The night is when the adversaries renew bad agreements, it is the time the enemies monitor the yokes, they impose on people’s lives.
That hour of the night is the time of spiritual baton swap, it is the time of evil shift, is the time of most terrible assaults.
I proclaim any evil assault that comes into your life for demonic night attack be annihilated.
Every night enemies in my life, your time is up catch fire in the name of Jesus.
Every wicked hand, functioning in my life at night, be broken in the name of Jesus
I pray for you, to be freed from midnight assault in the name of Jesus.
1. You power of midnight assaulting my destiny die, in the name of Jesus
2. Power of the night, unleash my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.
3. Arrow of the power of the night program against my life this year backfire in the name of Jesus.
4. Power of the night of my father’s home and my mother’s house working against my company, you are a liar, perish by fire in the name of Jesus.
5. Any authority projecting evils into my future perish in the name of Jesus.