BEDTIME: Four Sekx Positions To Make Your Woman Have Orgasm Easy(LEARN)
Here are four sex positions to try with a partner that might help you to enjoy intercourse more and to have fulfilling orgasms at the same time.
1. The CAT position
Basically this is a face-to-face position, but the man ‘rides much higher’ than he would in the missionary position so that his shoulders and head are about six inches higher up the bed than normal.
What this means is that his penis doesn’t go all the way into the vagina. Instead, the stem or root of it is pulled hard against the clitoris – producing great sensations in that all-important little organ.
🐱 CAT stands for Coital Adjusted Technique, but don’t let that technical and boring title put you off!
The other difference is that instead of taking his weight on his elbows, the man should simply let his bulk rest on his partner’s upper chest. Clearly if he’s a heavy bloke, this might be a problem!
You can experiment with this position to get it absolutely right for you. Some people do it with the man’s legs outside the woman, but you can also try it with his legs inside yours.
Many couples find they can’t thrust much in this position so they kind of ‘rock’ together. The CAT certainly produces very different sensations from many other positions, so it’s worth a try, and it might just take you to the heights of ecstasy. I hope it does.
2. The free-as-air position
The man lies down on his back. The woman faces the other way and sits down on his penis. Then, in her own time, she gradually lowers herself so that – with his penis inside her – her back is lying fully outstretched on the front of his body.
The woman can feel genuinely weightless and free-as-air – which is quite a novel sensation. Another bonus is that either partner can touch the clitoris easily. So it’s different and fun – and usually a great time is had by all.
3. The Pinner position
This is a particularly good position if you feel nervous about touching your own clitoris. You shouldn’t be of course because it’s yours – and you should feel perfectly free to stimulate it yourself if you want to.
But the thing about this position is that many men can’t really tell if you are touching your clitoris or not.
💟 How to do the Pinner position:
✔️ You lie flat on your front and he lies, face down, on top of you. He then penetrates you from behind.
✔️ But because you are flat on the bed, you get very different sensations from any rear-entry position where your bottom is up in the air.
✔️ And you can slip your hand in between the bed and your body and rub your own clitoris.
✔️ Plenty of women who have never ‘come’ during intercourse have found that they climaxed in the Pinner position.
4. The spoons position
Then there’s ‘the spoons’. This is the position where you lie on your side and your man lies curled up round your bottom (like spoons in a drawer) and penetrates you from behind.
Lots of women like this, though not all of them find it easy to orgasm on their sides. But the great advantage here is that either partner can reach down and rub the clitoris. Also, neither of you is having to take the weight of the other.