
SHS graduate nabbed f*cking a sheep in Ashanti Region


Senior High School Graduate, Aziz, 19, has been caught sleeping with a sheep at a village called Aque Allah, a suburb of Nyinahini in the Atwima Mponua District near Bibiani but in the Ashanti Region but.

He was caught in the heinous act by a farmer going to his farm.

According to the farmer, Aziz was having anal sex with the animal in the bush.

The farmer further explained that, the sheep was tied in a bush close to the community by the owner whiles the 19 year old boy sneaked himself into the place and carried out the abomination act.

The suspect after knowing he has been seen took to his heel without taken his belongings such uniforms, bicycle, slippers at the scene.

Speaking to a journalist, Kofi Gyabaah Prof of Adehye FM in Bibiani, the unit committee chairman of the area, Mr. Yikore Usif confirmed saying, the family of the suspect had admitted that, the items left at the scene belong to their relative, Aziz.

“We did our own investigation based on the items retrieved at the scene of the incident and surprisingly, the family of Aziz came out boldly confirming to the issue”, the Unit Committee added.

The sheep has been killed including performing of other rituals by the traditional leaders in the community in order to purify the Gods.

Filasco News

Filasco: Broadcast Journalist/Blogger 0245405110

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