All Junior High School leavers in the just ended Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) have been advised to adhere to the advices of their parents and guardians.
Baakoniaba Nkosuohene who made this passionate appeal to the JHS leavers said the students should think about the bigger picture ahead of them i.e Senior High School education and support their parents to be able to fund for their next level of education.
Nana Sefah during a visit to his hometown, Nhyinahin Baakoniaba in the Atwima Mponua District of the Ashanti Region stated that Junior High level is just the initial state of education journey hence called on the students who just completed to avoid joining thugs and companies that go contrary to their vission.
would not better Nkosuohene who double as General Oversea of God Of Fire .
Notwithstanding, Nana Sefah popularly referred to as, Prophet Dr. Ogya Nyame urged parents to also watch the dos and donts of their wards now that they home with them.
He added that all the activities that would be carried out by these children should be guided by the parents.