The Kpandai Hospital Road SDA church started in April 2018 with an initial membership of 60. The church had since worshipped in the Madam Martha’s school.
The church has 85 members. But due to the worship that goes on in the classroom, many of the members are not motivated to come to church. As it stands now, church attendance is around 50 on the average.
This among other factors necessitated the need for permanent place of worship. Due to the few number of people in the church, things have not been easy for the church as far as building a church is concerned. The district Pastor, Pastor Emmanuel Addo Kumatey appealed to Master Dominic Amantu, a mason and a member of the church in 2019, the need for him to do a sacrificial work for the building of the chapel without demanding for workmanship,which he hurriedly agreed to.
The church members and others supported with the building materials for the building to be put up. The District Pastor, Pastor Kumatey on behalf of the church presented Master Dominic Amantu to the President of the Northern Ghana Union Conference (Pastor Dr. Kwame Kwanin Boakye) to be honoured and prayed for on the day of their
Foundation stone laying which was slated for the church building on the 20th day of November, 2021.
Again a one week revival program was organized ahead of the foundation stone laying ceremony. The guest speaker for the revival was the President of The Northern Ghana Union Conference of SDA church. In the course of the revival, a certain man within the territory of the Kpandai North district tried to restrict his children from attending the adventist church.
The man did not only restrict the children from attending the church he also said, if the children kept on attending the church, he was going to kill them and also kill himself.
Pastor Emmanuel Addo Kumatey (Kpandai North District Pastor) accompanied by an Elder and the zonal leader met the man to discuss in favour of his children to grant them freedom to attend the church. Initially he refused, but later allowed even the household to attend church on the Sabbath.
Pr. Dr. Kwame Kwanin Boakye based on Nehemiah 2:20 to admonish church. He stated that if the Lord does not build the church, the builders labour in vain that build it. He as well unveiled the plaque. He was supported by the North Ghana mission President, and the host Pastor, The program was climaxed with seven precious souls giving their lives to Christ through baptism of the seven, two were the children of the man who restricted his children to attend the Adventist church. The district Pastor followed with the “Stewards” an Adventist singing group formerly known as Deliverance singers to sing and pray for the family.
The “Stewards” gave financial support to the family to go for the labour in place of the Sabbath that the children attended church instead of the farm. After the song service in the man’s house, he and his entire households and neighborhood were very happy.
The District Pastor is by this medium appealing to all and sundry to support the building or roofing of the church in order for the chapel to serve as a place of worship and refuge for the church members as well as centre for workshops and seminars by cooperate bodies such as Ghana Educaton service, Ghana Health service, District Assembly among others.
Pastor Emmanuel Addo Kumatey prayed for the man and his family and encouraged him to also be part of the church. Praise God for His love.
By: Odehyeba Owusu Job