Popular Ghanaian Reverend Minister Caning Church Members over Failed Prophecy (VIDEO-CONTACT)
A Man of God, Reverend Francis Kingsley Ansah, has vowed not to spare any of his church members if his prophecies to them fail.
According to the man of God in a video intercepted by filasconews.com, in no instance should his prophecy fails, therefore, if any church member refuses to allow his Revelation comes through, woe betides that member. He will cane him/her.
In the video, the Popular man of God, whose Church, Stewards of God’s Grace Ministry, situated at Esreso-High Tension in the Bosomtwe District of the Ashanti Region, was holding a cane, normally used to beat school pupil during church hours, warning his members that, he will lash them one after the other severely if the prophecies, prophecied to them fail to come to pass.
For credibility of the story, filasconews followed it up, to reaching the man of God for clarification of the video available to this site.
Reverend Ansah popularly known as Osikanii Ansah confirmed the words and the actions in the video adding during the exclusive interview with filasconews that, “Mr. Journalist, you should have come early today, I’ve beaten some people “koraa” today on the same issue”.
“Even if you, Journalist, interviewing me, I give you prophecy and it fails to come true, my brother, I will give you a strong lashes, I mean, I will beat you mercilessly with this cane” he added by pointing the cane to the camera during the interview.
His Contact 0246466834
Video Below
Source: filasconews
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