Tax collectors beat Okada rider to pulp after he asked them this QUESTION.

Tax collectors beat Okada rider to pulp after he asked them this QUESTION.
Income tax collectors have beaten Okada rider mercilessly. They beat him till he collapsed.
The incident occured today in the Hemang Lower Denkyira District of the Central Region.
The income tax collectors beat the 27 year old Okada rider, Kofi Osian after he said, “this money that you are collecting will not even go to the government”.
The two government officials pounced on him to pulp.
Meanwhile, the Okada rider had already stake the ticket.
The Odikro of Twifo Bobi, Nana Ayensu intervened to plead on behalf of the Okada rider but these angry tax collectors refused to listen to the plea of the Chief and beat the Okada man till he fainted.
The Okada Rider was rushed to the Hemang government hospital for treatment.
In a respond from the District Assembly, the assembly said their attention has been drawn onto the issue and has reported the assault to the police.
The assembly added that measures have been put in place to make sure such things do not reoccur in the district.
For more details of the story contact the number below:
SOURCE: Donkoh (Bankamfm)