SHS 3, SHS 1 students to reopen this week – Checkout the date

SHS 3, SHS 1 students to reopen this week – Checkout the date
All SHS 3 students in both double and single track schools will resume back school for the last semester of the 2023 academic year on Friday, 9th June, 2023.
SHS 2 students in double track schools will also resume academic works on Friday, 9th June, 2023.
SHS 3 students went on break on Thursday, 1st June, 2023. This was a mid semester break for all pre-tertiary institutions in Ghana.
The 2023 WASSCE is just around the corner and all final year students are currently preparing towards the exams..

This will be the break for all final year SHS students before they write their West African Secondary School Certificate Examination. It will be a one week break for the students to enable them prepare well at home before the exams begins.
Students will be at home in order to get some vital items for the exams, such as calculators, mathematical sets, practical tools and finally, blessings from their parents. This vacation is a very short one and students are expected to resume on 9th June, 2023 to continue their academic work.
Candidates should not put fear in them as the WASSCE is sometimes considered as a just another classroom test. What candidates needs to do is to study and also be in class for the last ‘APOR’ from teachers.
Also, candidates should study past questions. One secret most candidates doesn’t know about the WASSCE is that, WAEC doesn’t really set new questions. About 90% of all WASSCE questions are all past questions. WAEC usually frame the questions to make it new, but it’s a past question. Candidates should concentrate on the last five WASSCE past questions; which include; 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018.
The 2023 WASSCE questions will be set based on past questions. All the questions will be selected from specific years in the past questions syllabus. Candidates should master all possible past questions and get the best grades.
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