Reduce your beans intake if you have any of these 3 medical problems

Reduce your beans intake if you have any of these 3 medical problems
Many people, despite the obvious health benefits of beans, limit their consumption due to worries about specific medical conditions. This is because beans can cause some medical disorders to become worse. Consuming an excessive amount of beans may cause flatulence and stomach distress, which may manifest as altered bowel movements and bloating.
If a person is suffering from any of the ailments listed above, it is recommended by Medicalnewstoday that they minimize the amount of beans they consume.
1. Gastrointestinal trouble.
Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber, but they also contain carbs that are difficult to digest, which can lead to bloating and cramping in some people. Your body does not produce any enzymes capable of breaking them down, therefore they remain intact. Instead, bacteria in your gut are responsible for the process, which results in the production of gas.
The people who took part in a study were given either a half cup or a quarter cup of beans to consume every day for a period of twelve weeks. In the first week, fewer than half of the participants noticed increased flatulence after consuming pinto or baked beans, while 19 percent of the participants experienced increased gas after consuming black-eyed peas. During the course of the study, anywhere from three percent to eleven percent of the participants reported experiencing an increase in flatulence.
2. Irritable bowel syndrome
A medical condition known as constipation occurs when an individual has fewer than three bowel movements in a given week. In point of fact, as many as 27 percent of adults have been witnesses to it, along with the subsequent symptoms, such as bloating and gas. The likelihood of developing this condition increases with age as well as with decreased physical activity.
Consuming an excessive amount of beans may result in constipation. The extent to which this is true is, however, contingent upon the robustness of your immune system. This occurs when movements of the bowel become less frequent and the bowel starts to move on its own. Alterations in diet or an insufficient amount of fiber are the most typical causes of this condition.
On the other hand, this drawback can materialize if you choose not to consume a sufficient amount of water after eating beans. This is due to the fact that whole grains are composed of both soluble and insoluble fibres, and soluble fibres demand the presence of fluid in order to function normally inside the system.
3. Weak kidneys.
Because of the high quantities of phosphorus and potassium in beans, it is difficult for people on dialysis to consume beans. Instead, make beans a regular part of your diet and try out different kinds. A quarter cup of beans has anything from 6 to 15 grams of protein and anywhere from 4 to 9 grams of fiber in it. Because getting enough fiber in the kidney diet can be challenging for the majority of dialysis patients, this meal need to be reduced or altogether avoided whenever possible.