ECG declares 2023 the year of excellence
The Accra East region of the Electricity Company of Ghana has declared the year 2023 as a “year of excellence” to offer the best service to its customers.
Speaking at a thanksgiving service to end the year, the General Manager of the region, Bismark Otoo described the year 2022 under as a “tough one for the company” taking into account the numerous challenges that confronted the company.
According to him, despite the difficulties faced, the staff of the company gave off their best to ensure customers were served to satisfaction.
He believes the year ahead, will afford the company the opportunity to advance its customer service and ensure the Accra East region stands out among the eight regions of ECG across the country.
ECG has sent best wishes to all customers ahead of the yuletide while encouraging them to purchase enough prepaid credit in order not to face challenges when the staff of the company break for Christmas.
The intermittent internet challenges affected our operations and our revenue significantly said the regional manager, Bismark Otoo.
“Our revenue inflows were only about 70% to 80% of our projected revenue which was not the best. We’re hoping to exceed our target for the year 2023 by over a hundred percent which will enable us to expand our system to serve our customers well.”
By Fred Duhoe