Hm asem oo: Apostolic Church Pastor commits suicide by h@nging
Pastor Michael Ahiago, a retired pastor of the New Covenant Apostolic Church, is alleged to have committed suicide by hanging.
The deceased, believed to be in his early 70s and father of five, was discovered hanging on a mango tree in front of his house Wednesday morning at about 0530 hours.
Mrs Beatrice Ahiago, the widow, who briefed the Ghana News Agency (GNA), explained that her husband left home unnoticed at dawn, while she was preparing porridge for sale.
She revealed that he was at home with the family before the unexpected act without any suspected sign of depression when they all retired to bed.
“I got up this dawn to prepare my porridge for sale without having any knowledge of my husband’s departure from home until we were told of the incident,” she said.
Apostle Paul Gidigasu, the General Secretary of the Apostolic Vision Church International, who rushed to the scene, said Ahiago, until his demise, was an active member of the Akatsi Senior Ministers Association.
He, however, did not establish what led to the tragic incident, adding: “We are encouraging the widow and the family to be strong in the Lord in these difficult times.”
The GNA, at the time of visiting the crime scene, saw scores of residents including church members, chiefs, and pastors converging in the deceased’s house to catch a glimpse of what happened.
Mr Edward Doe Adade, the Assembly Member, said the death of the committed man of God was surprising.
“We saw some notes with the deceased, but the police will do their work regarding the circumstances surrounding this incident,” he added.
However, some eyewitnesses GNA engaged suspected no foul play.
Ahiago, who served God for years, had his retirement service in 2021 at the Mafi Kumase Branch of the New Covenant Apostolic Church before his demise.
The body has since been conveyed to the St Paul’s Hospital Morgue by the Akatsi Police awaiting further examinations.
The leadership of the church has yet to comment on the matter.
He left behind five children; two boys and three girls.