Suffering from high cholesterol? Here are 5 ways to lower it naturally

Suffering from high cholesterol? Here are 5 ways to lower it naturally
There are several medications on the market today to lower cholesterol but you can still naturally lower high cholesterol levels, here’s how
The prevalence of high cholesterol, a chronic disease, is gradually growing in India. Good cholesterol and bad cholesterol are the two different forms of cholesterol. The blood has a high level of cholesterol, which causes the bad cholesterol to start rising quickly.
High Density Lipoprotein is a term for good cholesterol (HDL). It is said to be particularly advantageous for the production of new cells and blood flow. Bad cholesterol is referred to as low density lipoprotein (LDL). It is regarded as being highly harmful. Because it begins to build up in the blood cells, the flow of blood is slowed down or completely stopped, which can lead to heart disease or stroke. The blood cells that supply blood and oxygen to the heart are blocked by bad cholesterol.
If your cholesterol level is high in this case, it is crucial that you see a doctor. Although there are several medications on the market today to lower cholesterol, you can still naturally lower high cholesterol levels. Here’s how
1. Losing weight
2. Healthy diet
3. Quit smoking
4. Daily exercise
5. Limit alcohol consumption