Living at your family house means you are immature to start a life journey your own and therefore is irresponsible Togo into marriage, these are few explanations from the citizenry in the Kumasi Metropolitan on the topic: “Would you marry a man living at his family house?”.
Newsmen hit the streets to socialise and get the people’s view on the aforementioned topic as it had been said; the voice of the people is the voice of God.
Most of our interviewees told the interviewer, Nana Ama Ahwenie that, marriage journey is too far and if a man cannot live at his but residing in his family abode, that man is not responsible to cater for a family.
Section of them on the other side said, there will be no peace between the wife and the family members especially in-laws as they live in the same house which belongs to the man’s family.
Other interviewees were of the views that, it takes away the respect from the marriage. Any little misunderstanding that ensues between the woman and the man’s family can cause her forcibly dismissal from the house for them to acquire their own place to live.
They therefore concluded that, a woman should not marry a man living at his family house at his old age to marry.