Top 5 treatment for hair loss
A good hair style plays an important role in enhancing a person’s personality.
Everyone dreams of having a stylish hair cut in order to look appealing and smart.
But what if a time comes when you have no hair left? You will not be pleased if people start calling you by funny names in your young age due to hair loss. Would you?
Everyone is very conscious about their looks and what people say about them. In early times, hair fall was not common till the age of 50’s because people used to live a healthy lifestyle and living conditions were good. As the time has passed this age has reduced to 40 years.
But nowadays the problem of hair loss or baldness has risen to such an extent that is has covered people of all age groups starting from 20 and above.
What is hair loss?
Hair loss is also known as alopecia or baldness. It is a condition of hair loss, balding or hair thinning, in which a person starts to loss his or her hair from scalp or any other part of body.
Usually alopecia is related to loss of hair from the scalp. In this condition hair growth rate slows with age. Talking of present days, problem of hair fall normally begins from the age of 40 years. But facing hair loss in much smaller age is not a good sign.
You must know that vitamin B and Vitamin C are very important in determining the condition of your hair and skin. Deficiency of these may lead to hair fall and skin problems.
Through various researches it has been found out that men are more likely to face hair problems then women.
Hair fall is common in men mostly due to male pattern baldness. Talking of women, they are not secured as they too face problems like hair thinning which is also known as telogen effluvium.
As it is said that the treatment is given with respect to the type of disease, hence in order to know remedies to prevent hair loss, you must first know its types and causes.
Most common types of hair loss:
• Involutional alopecia: It is a natural condition in which the hair gradually starts to become thin as the age passes. This happens because hair follicles go into the resting phase. As this phase continues hair becomes shorter and fewer in number.
• Alopecia areata: This is a hair condition in which a person faces a patchy hair loss in their scalp. Alopecia areata can be faced by any person including children all the way to adults.
In this condition you may face complete baldness. But there is no need to worry as more than 90% people revive their hair back. Becosules capsule are recommended by doctors in such cases.
• Trichotillomania: Some people have a psychological disorder from an early age or may develop in later age. Trichotillomania is a condition in which these type of people start to pull out their own hair. This type of condition is usually seen in children.
• Telogen effluvium: In this hair fall type, a person suffers from temporary hair thinning over the scalp that occurs because of change in growth cycle of hair.
Most of you will not be knowing that there is anything like ‘growth cycle of hair’.
In this condition large number of hair enter the resting phase, causing hair shredding and subsequent thinning.
• Androgenic alopecia: This condition is seen in both men and women. Women usually face this type of hair loss in their forties under which hair start getting thinner day by day and maximum hair fall happens from crown area of scalp. It is also known as female pattern baldness.
In case of men they tend to lose their hair from the teenage days. Area affected by this condition is the frontal scalp, hair receding and the crown area. Male pattern baldness is the other name for this condition
Symptoms of hair loss:
These are few noticeable symptoms which can be seen if you face hair loss:
• Excessive hair fall from scalp is the most common symptom you may find. By excessive hair fall we mean more than 150 per day.
• You may face thinning of hair.
• Your hairline tends to move backwards forming an M shaped pattern in front of your head, just above the forehead.
• Excessive hair loss while shampoo is visible.
• Hair loss may reach to such a level that you completely lose hair from scalp or whole body.
Causes of hair loss:
There are enormous reasons for hair loss, some of which are mentioned below. Knowing the cause and reason of hair loss required steps or treatment can be taken.
• Pregnancy: Pregnant women are most likely to face hair fall and it is completely normal. This is so because pregnancy is a condition where women faces lot of hormonal changes in their body which further leads to hair loss.
• Lack of protein: It is certain that your body requires sufficient nutrients in order to function properly. Protein being one of the most important nutrient plays an important role in hair growth. When the body faces deficit of protein, the body may ration it by shutting down hair growth which further lead to hair loss.
• Anemia: Anemia is a condition in which a person faces lack of iron in body. Women are more likely to suffer from anemia. Lack of iron is also a main reason for hair loss or Alopecia.
• Chemotherapy: Cancer is a dangerous disease which if not treated in time may even lead to death. The treatment involves intake of strong dosage of different type of medicines. You may have noticed that the person suffering from cancer faces the problem of hair loss, these medicines are responsible for this hair loss.
• Heredity and genetics: it is quite possible that the hair fall problem you are facing may be due to factors like heredity or genetics. If your past family generation that is your father or mother faced hair fall problems then it might be possible that you may suffer from the same. This is because genes passes from generation to generation.
• Hyperthyroidism: Thyroid is a gland in human body which is responsible in producing hormones which are helpful in growth and metabolism. When this gland does not produce enough hormones than you may face symptoms like unexpected weight loss, sweating, rapid or irregular heartbeat and even hair loss.
• Ageing: Ageing is a process which cannot be evaded. As you grow older and reach the age of 40, the chances of facing hear problem increases.
• Physical and mental stress: It may sound weird but physical and mental stress may also be the reason behind hair loss. The most common type of hair loss caused by stress and physical exertion is telogen effluvium, which is not permanent and hair grow back.
• Excess vitamin A or deficiency of Vitamin B: Both of these conditions are not good for your hair condition. Hence both of them should be balanced to prevent hair loss.
• Minoxidile: This medicine works by increasing the blood flow around the follicles which stimulates hair follicles and further lead to regrowth of hair. It also helps by stimulating follicle movement from its resting phase to growth phase and also extends each follicle’s growth phase.
Example of minoxidile medicine is ‘Regaine’.
You should keep in mind that once you start applying this medicine, then there is no turning back. If you stop the application hair loss will begin again.
• Finasteride: This medicine is in the form of a pill and is used to increase hair weight and hair retention. It is recommended in the case of male pattern baldness.
Finasteride is prescribed only to grown up males. They should not be given to women or child.
Example of minoxidile medicine is ‘Propecia’.
Results are visible after 6 weeks of regular dosage of 1 milligram of finasteride.
• Corticosteroids injections: These are a type of steroid infused injections that are applied in different scale depending upon the need. It helps in hair re growth and is recommended in conditions of alopecia areata. In order to see effectiveness you need to apply it on monthly basis.
The best part of these steroids is that they are capable of growing hair in parts like eyebrows etc. But you should know that this type of medication is only effective on few people.
• Becosules: This medicine contains OTC multi vitamins and is infused with vitamin B complex and vitamin C. These vitamins are very essential in order to get good skin and hair condition.
Becousles is the most recommended medicine to treat the problem of hair loss.
It helps in enhancing metabolism of iron in body and prevents baldness and scalp itchiness.
It also reinforces hair roots by stimulating follicles and help the hair fiber to grow faster and stronger.
• Hormonal modulators: Hair loss can occur due to hormonal changes in a person’s body whether it be due to stress, exertion etc. This type of medicines helps in stabilizing the hormone levels and helps in preventing hair fall or patchiness in scalp.
Example of hormonal modulator are ‘flutamide’ and ‘Evista’.
As women are most likely to face hormonal changes, which may lead to female pattern baldness; this medicine is most suitable for women facing hair loss problems.
Be very careful about your hair growth. Your hairstyle reflects your personality!