IMPORTANT: If you see this sign on the road…know the meaning

IMPORTANT: If you see this sign on the road…know the meaning
ROADS in the UK have many different signs and markings in place to let drivers know how to stay safe.
But some are clearer than others – do you know what an empty red sign means?
The empty red circle sign prevents vehicles from entering, and pedal cycles cannot be ridden but can be pushed
The empty red circle sign prevents vehicles from entering, and pedal cycles cannot be ridden but can be pushed
What does an empty red road sign mean?
Circular road signs give orders.
Red circles give an instruction that you must follow, such as speed limits.
The blank sign with a red border means that all vehicles are prohibited except for pedal cycles – and even they must be pushed rather than ridden.
The sign on its own means “No Vehicles” – but it may also have another sign below it telling you if it only applies at certain days or times.
How many road signs are used in the UK?
There are millions of road signs used across the UK.
There are three main types of sign used that tell the road user of the next actions to take when driving.
Circular signs tell you something you must do or follow, triangular signs warn there’s something coming up to be aware of, and rectangular signs give drivers information.
The colour of these signs tell you there is a difference in the message.
What are the most common road signs?
Speed limit signs are the most common ones you’ll see on UK roads.
These circular signs with a red border include the speed limit within them – usually 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60.
A 30 mph miles per hour speed limit sign
Where a residential street doesn’t display a speed limit, you should observe the national speed limit for single and dual carriageways with street lights, which is 30mph.
The national speed limit sign is also used, which is a white circle with a black diagonal band through it.
When you see one of these, the national speed limit should be observed – this is 60mph on single carriageways and 70mph on dual carriageways and motorways.
No entry signs are circular in shape with a red background with a white line across it.
Give way signs are also commonly seen on the road.
These warning signs are a red bordered upside-down triangle and are displayed at a junction where you should check for traffic before proceeding.
Speed camera signs are seen on the side of the road, with the picture of a black camera on white square sign with a black border.
Other common signage includes the no stopping and no waiting signs which are circular and have a blue background with a red X or red slash on them.
What road signs signal a warning?
Warning signs on the road are triangular and often have a red border.
Triangular signs give drivers a warning
Triangular signs give drivers a warning
These can be for things like height restrictions, to say there’s a roundabout ahead, or to warn of crossroads, humps, and many other things.
They often have a picture in the middle to explain to the driver what the potential danger is.
They tell the driver there’s a hazard ahead.