Be very careful: If you see these blue pills in your lover’s room, know the following
Have you seen these blue pills in your lover’s house, just know the it’s used for below purpose.The little blue pill helping men in the bedroom could also be saving their hearts, according to several studies into the effects of pill on heart health
Often dubbed “the little blue pill”, it was the first phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor approved to treat men whose engines are not working. ED is a common se@ual problem for men and its frequency increases with age.
For many men, the stigma and embarrassment of talking to their doctor about ED has declined since the introduction of the and other PDE5 inhibitors. Today, health care professionals regularly ask men of all ages about bed dysfunction as part of their regular check-ups.
Inability to perform in bedroom can lead to performance anxiety, a negative impact on self-esteem and personal relationships, and even clinical depression.
In a survey published in BMJ, 62% of men reported a decline in self esteem, 29% reported a negative effect on a relationship, and 21% reported that their relationship had ceased due to ED.
For many men, the inability to perform adequately during love directly affects their feelings of masculinity. The availability of ED treatments has helped to address that concern.
Does this blue pill cause certain side effects in older adult males?
No, this drug is not known to cause specific side effects in older adults (ages 65 years and over). In clinical trials, there weren’t any differences in side effects in older adults compared to younger adults.
However, older adults who take it tend to absorb more of the drug in their body. This can increase the risk of side effects. So, it’s possible that being older may increase your risk of side effects from of this pill
If you’re concerned about taking blue pill due to your age, talk with your doctor. They can help determine whether it’s safe for you and if you would need a lower starting dose of the drug.