Fuel price motorists
Fuel price to increase in April. Image: iStock
Fuel prices are part of what’s keeping South Africans up at night. Rising costs affect everyone in the country – and the cost of petrol/diesel adds weight to pockets already weighted down with responsibilities.
Losing sleep over what fuel costs are doing next?
We’ve put together an updated guide to current petrol and diesel costs.
Inflation hikes food costs, but also the price of getting around.
Here’s what you can expect from petrol prices in April, 2024.
Inland Fuel Prices
Here are the updated fuel prices for inland consumers:
Unleaded 93: R24.13
Unleaded 95: R24.45
LRP 93: R24.13
Inland petrol prices are marginally more expensive than coastal ones.
This is due to the added effect of transport costs on the supply chain.
Coastal Fuel Prices
Here are the updated fuel prices for coastal consumers :
Unleaded 93: R23.41
Unleaded 95: R23.73
LRP 95: R23.73
Prices are expected to stay consistent, but might increase over time.
Petrol and diesel costs vary just like exchange rates: you are encouraged to check your latest update from The South African.
Inland Diesel Costs
Here is the expected diesel price for April, 2024:
50 PPM: R22.61
500 PPM: R22.42
Like petrol, diesel costs aren’t the same inland as by coastal regions.
Transport is one of the reasons.
No, it’s not worth driving from Johannesburg to KwaZulu-Natal for cheaper petrol!
Coastal Diesel Costs
Here’s what you can expect to pay for coastal diesel in April, 2024:
50 PPM: R21.92
500 PPM: R21.70
It’s slightly less than what inland consumers are paying for theirs.
Prices current according to FuelSA.
Make sure you know what fuel costs: it’s important even if you don’t have a car!
Fuel prices
StatsSA has officially investigated why petrol prices increase and keep on going.
It’s not just about the oil price, or what oil barrels are selling for on the international floor. There are more things affecting what you’ll pay.
According to research, taxes and storage (as well as distribution) costs matter just as much.
Fuel costs go up when something else does.
Consumers can feel the effect in the prices of other goods, like food, also increasing.