Prophet Kofi Oduro again! Check this out

Prophet Kofi Oduro again! Check this out
The founder and leader of Alabaster International Ministry, Prophet Kofi Oduro, has issued an unqualified apology to the church of Pentecost over his recent comment that seem to be against the church of Pentecost and Apostle Michael Ntumy.
Speaking to his church members on Sunday, Prophet Kofi Oduro revealed that he is going to issue an official apology to the church of Pentecost next week.
Prophet Kofi Oduro Apologizes To The Church Of Pentecost
He added that what he said about Apostle Michael Ntumy doesn’t mean he hates the church of Pentecost. He added that he has said a lot of good things about the church of Pentecost, including urging people to follow the ways of the Church of Pentecost.
While addressing the issue in church today, Prophet Kofi Oduro apologized to the Apostle Michael Ntumy and the church of Pentecost. According to him, he is going to issue an unqualified apology next week
Prophet Kofi Oduro Apologizes To The Church Of Pentecost
“Next week I am going to issue an official apology to the church of pentecost. Four weeks ago, while I was preaching, I mentioned the church of pentecost and i said something related to Apostle Michael Ntumy. Like I am standing here right now, I can say to him that I am sorry because people are making a thing that we have some beef with the church of Pentecost. No. We can’t. Pentecost church has been one of the ministries we have looked up to all this while. I am the person that stood here and did an exposition of the 6th chairman of the Church of pentecost. I will stand here and apology to all of them. Say sorry to Michael Ntumy, Apostle Eric Nyamekye” he said.
Prophet Kofi Oduro also urged his church members to apologize to anyone they have offended.