Ghanaian Cardinal Richard Baawobr passes on in Rome | Details

Ghanaian Cardinal Richard Baawobr passes on in Rome | Details
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A Ghanaian Cardinal, Richard Kuuia Bawoobr has passed away in Rome.
An official statement from the Vatican indicate that he died on Sunday November 27, 2022
“With sadness and pain we hereby inform you of the return to the heavenly Father of Cardinal Richard Baawobr which occurred today, Sunday, 27 November 2022. Our confrere was taken by ambulance from the Generalate to the Gemelli Hospital at 5.45pm and we received the sad news at 6.25pm. May Richard rest in the peace of his Lord whom he so generously served. On behalf of the bereaved Society. Our prayer and our thoughts go also to his family, to his diocese, his fellow bishops, to all his friends and acquaintances”André-Léon Simonart, Secretary General wrote.
In August this year, Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr who was said to have taken ill upon his arrival in Rome.
Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr according to the information available to underwent surgery because he’s suffering a heart-related condition.
“..Richard Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr who since his arrival in Rome fell ill and has been hospitalized with problems of the heart and it seems he may need to have surgery. Let’s remember him as well,” Pope Francis was reported to have said.
Although the Ghanaian did not partake in the consistory at the time, he was recognized as a Cardinal of the Church.
The Pope on May 29, 2022 selected a number of Bishops he wanted to make Cardinals and the Ghanaian was a part of the names mentioned.