A/R: Orbis International donates eye equipments to the Regional Health Directorate

A/R: Orbis International donates eye equipments to the Regional Health Directorate
In a remarkable display of commitment to improving eye care, Orbis International has once again extended a helping hand to the Ashanti Regional Healing Directorate.
This philanthropic organization has donated a comprehensive range of eye care equipment to bolster the quality of eye care services in the region, benefitting underserved communities.
The four healthcare facilities selected for this equipment distribution encompass the eye units of three District hospitals and a polyclinic.
These facilities include Mamponteng Government Hospital in Kwabre East District, Mankranso Government Hospital in Ahafo Ano South – West, Akropong Government Hospital in Atwima Nwabiagya North, and Asuofua Polyclinic.
The generous donation comprises 22 different types of equipment and instruments, ranging from Retinoscopes to Slit Lamps, totaling an impressive 69 items. Valued at USD 55,326, this contribution also covers clearance costs at the port.
Mr. Adolf Ollennu, the Program Director of Orbis International, led a delegation to present these vital resources to the Ashanti Regional Health Directorate. He emphasized that this gesture reflects Orbis’s ongoing commitment to supporting the improvement of eye care delivery in the region.
Dr. Emmanuel Tenkorang, the Ashanti Regional Health Director, expressed gratitude for the equipment and pledged to ensure they are used effectively for their intended purpose.
He also appealed to Orbis International to continue their benevolent work, highlighting the substantial impact such initiatives have on local communities.
Orbis International’s dedication to enhancing eye care services in the Ashanti Region underscores the organization’s mission to prevent and treat avoidable blindness worldwide, one community at a time.
This generous donation serves as a beacon of hope for those in need of quality eye care services in the region.
Story filed by: Akwadaa Nyame