5 things in your home that could be bringing you bad luck
File photo: Feng shui, vastu shastra, wabi shabi don't dos dead house plants (Image: Canva)

5 things in your home that could be bringing you bad luck
Lifeless, dead plants on display may not be the right fit for a lively, happy home. Throw away those shriveled-up leaves, dried flowers, and drooping stems (Image: Canva)
From feng shui, wabi sabi, to vastu shastra, ancient traditional and spiritual beliefs have been guiding us on how to ward off evil and manifest positive energies. Some may call them superstitions, but legends and folklore around the world have been warning us about various ways through which we could be inviting bad luck into our homes and lives.
And let’s face it — there’s enough doom and gloom that we tackle once we step out into the world, and sometimes, we all could use an ancient belief or two to move us in the positive direction, especially inside our comfort spaces, our homes. If you think so too, here’s a handful of household items that could be subjecting your abode to misfortune:
Dead or prickly plants
Sure, as per the latest norms, plants may be the new pets. But plant parents need to be a bit careful. Lifeless, dead plants on display may not be the right fit for a lively, happy home. Throw away those shriveled-up leaves, dried flowers, and drooping stems. And while at it, get rid of that cacti pot too for dead and prickly plants are believed to trap negative energies from the past.
Broken clock
Has your wall clock stopped ticking or has your toaster been acting up? Fix them fast! As per feng shui and vastu traditions, holding on to anything that’s broken or outdated — including clocks, an old calendar, and appliances, is a bad omen. It is believed that time-telling tools, in particular, should always be in working order, or else you risk getting stuck in a rut and stop moving forward in your life.
Cracked glass
Sometimes, something as harmless as looking yourself into a cracked mirror gives you the creeps. Only it cannot be entirely called harmless. Broken glass, be it fixed in a mirror, around a picture frame, or embedded as your countertops, indicates disenchantment and betrayal. They even say that broken glass desks signal the universe to make opportunities and money fall through.
Negative artwork
This may take fun off the table for some art lovers but paintings depicting any kind of negativity are considered inauspicious. Remember, each print or painting you pick to be hung on a wall, defines a frequency of energy — and those that show disaster, war, misery, or death resonate at a low level. For that matter, even taxidermy is considered a big feng shui no-no. I mean, do you really think a dead animal’s head on display is a good idea? We think not!
An unmade bed
Our parents were right all along when they pastered us into making our beds right in the morning. Many believe that an unkempt bed can doom you to a series of sleepless nights. So, add putting on some music, smoothing out those sheets, and fluffing up those pillows into your daily routine to shoo away the bad luck and welcome in some positive vibes.