Blood-thirst in Ghana keeps increasing

Blood-thirst in Ghana keeps increasing
He said an elderly woman who lost her two sons and was living alone had been murdered by unknown assailants.
She went missing and a search for her led to the discovery of her remains in the lavatory of her residence.
The body was found to be decapitated. Organs removed from her body were her private part, breasts, tongue, and eyes.
The assailants had obviously monitored their victim, and armed with the knowledge she lived alone, they knew it was possible to attack the
almost defenseless widow. It is important to note that these marauding, cruel killers are on the loose within the communities looking for prey.
If you are fond of leaving young children all alone in some places, know that bloodthirsty souls are on the lookout for easy targets. Recently, a
boy in his preteens who was playing around his father, strayed a bit but never returned. He was found dead with his tongue removed.
Graphic evidence pointed at their neighbor because, in a video that a curious member of society had recorded, the dead boy was thrown from
a vehicle that belonged to the neighbor.
Suspicious ritual murders are briskly being undertaken in Ghana as serial cases are being recorded. Women who are in the habit of walking
alone in the dark, especially in rural areas and on foot from one town to the other at night, are very much at risk. A combination of community sensitization activities, the formation of community watchdog committees, and increased police patrols as well as the reinvocation
of the old practice where each is their brother’s keeper in communities by showing concern about all activities in the vicinity one lives on a
diurnal basis, only then can we nib the machinations of a would-be assassin in the bud.