6 countries that pay you to have kids

6 countries that pay you to have kids
6 Countries That Pay You to Have Kids
To increase the population, as per Japanese media outlet, Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo Governor Yurkio Koike said that all children living in the capital will receive 5,000 yen ($38) a month under the “Children First” policy.
As per the new updated child policy in 2023, parents will receive 250 euros ($271) per month for each child, regardless of whether they are the first, second or third. However, for the first two children, the monthly payment will rise from 219 euros to 250 euros ($238-$271).
France also makes it to the list where the government pays people to have kids. With the help of Caisse des Allocations Familiales, almost 900 euros ($978) after week 28 of gestation are given, with 16-week paid maternity leaves. However, people who choose to adopt kids receive 180 euros ($195) per month.
People who decide to have kids in Norway get excellent incentives including after the month the child is born. The government will pay 6,000 crowns ($) a month until the baby turns two, and after that, the payment is reduced to 1000 crowns ($).
One of the municipalities in Finland, Letsijiarvi, paid 10,000 euros ($10,869) to people for 10 years. According to BBC, this initiative was started after the birth rates were pretty low, meaning only one child had been born per year before 2013.
In Iceland, the government evaluates the monthly incomes of the family, which could be increased by 80 per cent of their salaries during the child’s first 18 years of life.