6 possible signs of a stingy man
Relationships are not meant to be entirely centred on gifts, but it is crucial for men to offer good gestures to pamper their lady.
Living with a man who struggles to satisfy basic financial commitments can be difficult. This is why ‘shining your eyes’ in a relationship is so important. Watch out for warning indicators that could lead to a financial squabble with your partner later on.
Below are the possible signs of stinginess you should watch out for in a man:
He flees at the mention of financial responsibilities
Every stingy man avoids financial responsibilities as much as possible because he doesn’t always want to spend money. If you notice he brings up an excuse to avoid footing necessary bills or makes you pay the fees consistently, this indicates that he is tight-fisted.
He gets angry whenever people around him request money to buy things or for upkeep.
Buying new things is a war for him
You will know a stingy man when he complains consistently when you raise a notion to get a new appliance or new clothes for you. He finds it hard to understand why you need to get new shoes or clothes and why the worn-out ones can’t be amended.
Stingy men prefer old things and see no reason to buy cheaper clothes or shoes. The most amusing thing is that he boasts of you to his friends when you save up to get nice clothes and shoes from your pocket.
Please never expect gifts from stingy men to avoid been heartbroken. They will never get you gifts no matter what occasion you are celebrating.
He hardly spends on himself
Stingy people need help to spend a penny on themselves. They believe it is a total waste of money. They prefer to save up all their money somewhere. Most stingy men are usually in faded clothes and worn-out shoe while they end up spending their money on vain things.
He hides how much he earns
If you are in a relationship with a man who finds it hard to reveal how much he earns to you, then something is wrong. A relationship with marriage in view should be void of secrets. If he hides his income from you, then you are about to sign in for a stingy man. It could mean he doesn’t want you to bombard him with responsibilities. Such a man believes that if you know his financial status, you will ask him for money regularly. This is a trait of stinginess.
He is always broke
A stingy man complains he doesn’t have money all the time. There is a difference between a stingy man and a prudent man. If a man truly loves you and is a cheerful giver, he would spend out of the little he has to express his love for you. If he complains he doesn’t have money at all times, my sister, it indicates that your partner is stingy.
He doesn’t spend money on his family
Every man’s family is his pride. If he makes cool cash and finds it hard to spend on his family, he will probably never spend on you. You don’t need a pastor or a seer to reveal this to you.
Suppose you have ever experienced him shouting at his siblings or parents over his mandatory financial responsibility. In that case, it indicates that he is a stingy man, and you won’t be treated any better.
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