W/R: Man on the run after poisoning Food Vendor’s Soup at Wassa Dawurampong
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Residents of Wassa Dawurampong in the Wassa Amenfi East Municipality of the Western Region are on a manhunt for man who has allegedly poisoned food vendor’s soup which was ready for public consumption.
According to preliminary investigation conducted by a journalist, Abrewa Nana Kwabena Tawiah, the suspect, Kofi Ketu, poisoned the soup with weedicide.
Report indicates that, Likaya who’s the food vendor is a girlfriend to the suspect.
However, she has threatened to breakup with the suspect which didn’t go down well with Kofi Ketu thus, he planned to poison her food.
Call Abrewa Nana Kwabena Tawiah, reporter for the details 0540686191
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SOURCE: Filasconews.com/Abrewa Nana Kwabena Tawiah