Christian Service University signs MoU with Indian PP Savani University to enhance academic relationships

Christian Service University signs MoU with Indian PP Savani University to enhance academic relationships
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The Christian Service University of Ghana has recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PP Savani University in India, intending to enhance academic relationships between the two institutions.
The agreement follows a familiarization visit by a three-member delegation from PP Savani University to Christian Service University University College in Kumasi.
The delegation was led by Mr. Komal Komar Shah, who is the West Africa Representative for PPSU. The visit was aimed at enabling the delegation to familiarize themselves with the academic system and other practices of the university, as well as explore the possibility of academic collaboration.
The Christian Service University College management was represented by the President, Professor Samuel Kofi Afrane, together with the Registrar, Mr. A K Doku, and the Dean of Students, Ms. Nelly Dorborson.
The Students’ Representative Council, which initiated the move for the MoU, was also represented by the SRC President, Mr. Emmanuel Amegavi Sosu, together with other Executives.
Under the MOU, the areas of collaboration between the two institutions include student and faculty exchange, conducting joint research, and organizing joint lectures, symposia, international meetings, conferences, and seminars.
In addition, students from CSUC will have the opportunity to visit India for a one-month exchange program with free accommodation, free feeding and industrial attachment.
This collaboration between the Christian Service University of Ghana and PP Savani University marks a significant milestone in the advancement of academia and knowledge sharing between the two countries according to Professor Afrane who spoke on behalf of Christian Service University.
On his part, Mr. Komal Komar Shah sees Ghana as the leading educational route to West Africa and the opportunity for both Institutions to collaborate will produce quality graduates for both countries.
According to Master Sosu, the SRC president who brokered the MoU, says, the expectations are that the partnership will open up new and exciting opportunities for the students, faculties and researchers of both institutions, enabling them to embark on mutually beneficial academic endeavors.
Filed. Eric Murphy Asare