Must Read: CAGD delivers important message to all Teachers

Must Read: CAGD delivers important message to all Teachers
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All teachers in Ghana must listen attentively and read what CAGD has for them.
CAGD has send an important message on the E-payslip app that every teacher must hear.
Now, Let’s get started.
The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has sent a stern warning to all teachers, across the county and all government workers, concerning a purported phone application known as E-payslip.
The E-Payslip contains the CAGD logo. CAGD says it is not aware of such an APP. So teachers and government workers should not install and make any attempt to enter their credentials into the APP with the intention of assessing their payslip.
The APP is made to hijack phones and send all mobile money and bank transaction pin codes to fraudsters to withdraw all user’s money.
CAGD described the purported APP as having a green and black label after installing it on one’s phone.
Those who have already installed the app on their phones have to reset their phone back to factory setting because the app cannot be uninstalled once it is installed.
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