5 diseases caused by holding back your Urine

5 diseases caused by holding back your Urine
Going to the bathroom and drinking water are both physiological need; if our body signals us to go to the bathroom, it’s usually to get rid of waste.
Long-term retention of urine in the bladder has multiple potential side effects:
1.- Infectious diseases.
In addition to water, urine contains all of the unwanted compounds that the kidneys have been tasked with filtering out of the body.This creates a toxic cocktail of urine, uric acid, and ammonia in the bladder, which can slowly eat away at the bladder and urethra.
In addition, each time we flush the toilet, we generate a suppression of all the bacteria in the urethra, preventing them from spreading to other parts of the body and causing dangerous diseases.What happens if there isn’t a way to stop the need to urinate for some reason?
The bacteria have a greater opportunity to colonize our bodies for a longer period of time, increasing the risk of cystitis.Don’t let yourself want that!Use the restroom!
Bladder enlargement
Bladder capacity is typically between 150 and 210 ml (though this varies greatly across individuals).These actions trigger the activation of receptors that signal the brain that it’s time to go to the restroom.The brain then sends signals of pain and discomfort to the spinal cord, prompting us to go relieve ourselves.
If we don’t, then what?What are the repercussions of disobeying the mind?That we’re going to sit here and try not to think about “those desires,” and that we’re going to keep eating and drinking, so that the liquid in our bladders keeps building up, making the bladder bigger, and harming us in other ways.It’s risky to even think about.
Stones in the kidneys
Kidney colic is one of the most painful medical conditions ever.Although some people are genetically predisposed to perform these computations in their kidneys more frequently, the simple act of storing urine can also affect how it looks.
There are a number of health risks associated with holding your urine in until you get home, including infections and the formation of small crystals in your kidneys from substances like calcium, phosphate, ammonium, and magnesium.
The kidneys are a common location for these remnants, and over time they can transform from harmless crystals into painful stones.
You can prevent this by drinking plenty of water and using the restroom as necessary.
4.- Reflux of urine into the urethra
Knowing that vesico-ureteral reflux can develop from developing poor habits to control the need to urinate is important.When pee, after being retained in the bladder for a while, is unable to be released outside, it can cause very serious infections in the urethra and kidneys.
Vesico-urethral reflux typically occurs in five stages, numbered I through V, with Stage I characterized by mild symptoms and urine only reaching the ureter.However, we would be far into phase V by the time the reflux or urine reaches the kidney on a daily basis. We need to take a close look because kidney infections are just one of the many possible complications.Remember that!
5.- Pain, muscle tension, and exhaustion
It’s not easy to hold it in when you have to go to the bathroom.It’s a significant issue that shouldn’t be ignored or normalized.It’s best to not wait more than ten or fifteen minutes after receiving a signal from your body telling you to use the restroom.Our minds will eventually quit telling us, and then we’ll have to deal with the repercussions.
Your stomach will feel distended.When liquids and toxins in the bladder build up, it’s common to experience chills and, later on, pelvic pain.That is to say, we no longer have “the urgency” to use the restroom, but instead will feel weary, sluggish, and slightly confused.If we try to clear our systems by consuming extra liquids, however, we will only make matters worse.
So that the bladder isn’t overworked, experts advise going to the bathroom to urinate at least every three to four hours, which amounts to six or seven times a day.