Miracle prayer that works immediately

Miracle prayer that works immediately
What a privilege God has given us, to render miracle prayer that works immediately, and restoring our joy in time of needs.
Thank you Lord for your goodness over my life . Thank you for how far you brought me ;irrespective of all that is happeneng around me.
I do not take any of your goodness for granted , I acknowledge your love protection and provisions for me and my family . I appreciate you for things I’m aware you’re doing you did without my awareness of them.
Dear heavenly Father, your words says that if I ask anything in the name of Jesus and do not doubt in my heart that I shall have what I ask for in prayer.
Today , I pray that you wrought sign and wonders in my life concerning my healthy in Jesus name.
I pray that your mighty power be seen and that your finger be obvious and mighty upon this issues in Jesus name.