14, 000 Electricians certified by Energy Commission
The Energy commission has so far licensed 14,000 electricians since the inception of the Electrical wiring programme (EWP) some 10years ago.
The EWP is a training programme which forms part of the processes through which the commission certifies electricians and electrical inspectors in line with the Electrical wiring Regulations, 2011(L.l 2008).
Speaking at the launch of the 10th Anniversary of the programme in Accra yesterday on the them;” celebrating a decade of regulating electrical wiring industry in Ghana;
A deputy minister of energy, Herbert krapah ,said the programme had sanitised the electrical industry and reduced the spate of burning of houses caused by faulty electrical works.
Herbert krapah (middle) with prof. Ebenezer Amonoo – Neizer (right),

Executive secretary of the energy commission, cutting the cake to launch the 10th Anniversary of the electrical wiring programme.
Executive secretary of the energy commission, cutting the cake to launch the 10th Anniversary of the electrical wiring programme.
” The electrical wiring in industry was largely perceived as informal and thought to be full of unqualified practitioners.
This not only undermined public trust, but it also exposed all of us to the dangers of sub- standard wiring in our homes and workplaces, ” he said.
Activities earmarked for the year- long celebration include a public lecture , sensitisation of electricians and the public to the EWP and L.l 2008. And donations by the commission.
The launch was attended by various associations of certified electricians, electrical cable manufacturing and merchandising companies, including other industry players.
Per regulation of L.l 2008. A person shall not undertake electrical wiring on any premises unless that person is certified by entity or by the Energy commission.
The commission is mandated to issues guidelines on how a person gets to be certified as an electrician and also keep a register of electrical contractors and electrical works.
Regulations 4 of the L.l also prohibits the use of a material not approved any form of electrical wiring offence.
Any person that can contravenes the provision of L.l 2008 commits an offence and upon summary conviction Shall be subjected to a fine of not more than Gh¢3,000, or to a term of imprisonment not more than two years,or to both the fine and imprisonment.
Mr Krapah launded the commission for dutifully discharging it’s mandated as a regulator since the passage of L.l 2008 , had exhibited commitment and professionalisim leading to sanity in the electrical industry a situation which, he said had made the country a role made for high standards in electrical works in the sub- region.