All Major 2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates

All Major 2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates
All Major 2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates for all candidates, schools, and stakeholders ahead of the various assessments in the year.
All Major 2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates for all candidates, schools, and stakeholders ahead of the various assessments in the year.
The West African Examination Council (WAEC) will be conducting several national and international examinations this year. In this article, we share with you the updates on major 2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates.
WAEC is made up of 5 member countries thus Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. The major examinations for this year are the WASSCE for all countries, WASSCE for Ghana School Candidates, and BECE for Ghanaian students in Junior High School.
2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates
Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Liberia will start writing WASSCE on 8th May 2023. and end on 23rd June 2023.
Ghana WASSCE timetable is yet to be released, but it’s proposed to start on 20th July 2023. and end in September.
Ghana’s BECE is scheduled to take place from the 7th to the 11th of August 2023. WAEC has also released the timetable for BECE 2023. Check it here WAEC Releases 2023 BECE Timetable; How True Is This
The West African Examinations Council has released the Timetable for the 2023 GBCE and ABCE which is set to take place in August 2023. The GBCE and ABCE papers are usually referred as May/June papers.
Already, the West African Examinations Council has opened the portal for the registration of candidates in respect of May/June 2023 General And Business Certificate Examinations(G/ABCE), which is still ongoing. This registration will end on Thursday, 6th April 2033.
We hope the update on All Major 2023 WAEC Examinations and Dates has been useful.
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